Gianesini among the 100 best companies in the Cividale and Alto Isontino area


A new important milestone was achieved by Gianesini. The company continues to stands out in the transport and logistics sector in the region.

After being recognized as a top 500 companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to the TOP500 2023 ranking, this year it has been recognized as one of the 100 Best Companies in the Cividale and Alto Isontino area. The initiative promoted by the Nord Est Multimedia Group in collaboration with Italy-Post support the most dynamic corporations of some well defined areas, through a tour to highlight various companies for their innovation and dynamism, which ended with the Best Performefar event in Manzano. 

The awards ceremony took place on the 2nd of July in the Innovation Platform of the FVG Cluster, with several interventions of small and medium-sized enterprises which told their entrepreneurial stories of excellence, highlighting the importance of the ability to respond efficiently to market changes, always with an eye towards the future. 

Fabio Gianesini, representative of the fourth generation of the historic transport company, was present to receive the "Best performing company 2024 of the Cividale and Alto Isontino" award. He underlined how the company, from the beginnings in Idria to its worldwide shipping, has always been able to adapt to the market trends: “Ours was a small company, now we operate on a global scale - he declared -; we have always been inspired to seize new opportunities to evolve and improve. We have followed that way since 1924, operating in the shipping sector and offering land, sea, air, and customs services for all types of goods and destinations. 

This approach has allowed Gianesini, in these hundred years, to maintain consolidated relationships with more than 3,000 correspondents for a total of more than 4,000,000 tons of goods transported every year, confirming itself among the best performing companies in the territory.